


Explore how Virtual Medical Academy empowers you with a suite of dynamic services to attract interest and engagement.

Our mission is to support healthcare professionals in their journey towards excellence by providing cutting-edge educational opportunities and fostering meaningful connections.

Engaging Webinars for Your Audience

Our webinars are designed to be informative, interactive, and easily accessible. We bring together experts from various healthcare fields to share their knowledge and insights. By utilizing our webinars, healthcare providers can:

– Stay updated on the latest medical advancements.
– Learn about emerging healthcare trends and best practices.
– Network with like-minded professionals.
– Earn continuing education credits.

WhatsApp Campaigns Tailored to Your Needs

We understand the importance of real-time communication, which is why we offer WhatsApp campaigns that you can utilize to connect with your audience directly. Through WhatsApp, you can provide your healthcare community with:

– Personalized updates on upcoming events, courses, and resources.
– Access to a dedicated support team for quick responses to inquiries.
– Interactive discussion groups where healthcare professionals can exchange ideas and seek advice.

SMS Campaigns for Timely Engagement

Our SMS campaigns provide you with a direct channel for delivering timely information and reminders to your audience. With SMS, you can offer your healthcare community:

– Instant notifications about upcoming webinars, workshops, and courses.
– Important deadlines and registration details.
– Links to educational resources and relevant articles.

Engaging Social Media Posts for Your Audience

We harness the power of social media to create a vibrant online community for your healthcare professionals. Through our social media channels, we offer:

– Thought-provoking articles, videos, and infographics tailored to your niche.
– Engaging discussions on current healthcare topics.
– Live Q&A sessions with industry experts that you can host.
– Updates on your latest educational offerings and events, increasing your reach and engagement.

Engaging Webinars

Our webinars are designed to be informative, interactive, and accessible.

Thought-provoking articles

Thought-provoking articles, videos, and infographics tailored to your niche.

Comprehensive Learning

Our services cater to a wide range of healthcare specialties.

Expertise for Your Audience

We collaborate with renowned experts in the healthcare industry.

Flexibility for Your Audience

Our services are designed to accommodate busy schedules.

Great Networking Opportunities

We facilitate connections among professionals within your community.

Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better

We Want to Hear From You

If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries, we’re here to help. Feel free to reach out to our dedicated team for assistance with any concerns or information you may need. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.


    3603 Al Imam Abdullah Ibn Saud Ibn Abdul Aziz Rd – Ishbiliyah Dist.Unit No 3265 Riyadh 13225 – 8356 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    • +966-920-008-161